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Exploring Your Options: 4 Different Ways to Finance …
When it comes to purchasing a home, obtaining the right financing is crucial. With a variety of options…
Understanding Major and Minor Repairs in a Home …
Are you in the process of purchasing a home? Congratulations! As you embark on this exciting journey, it's…
The Importance of Getting Pre-Approved
Are you ready to find your dream home? Before you start house-hunting, there's an important step you shouldn't…
Why There Won’t Be a Flood of Foreclosures …
Why There Wont Be a Flood of Foreclosures Coming to the Housing MarketWith the rapid shift thats happened…
5 Factors you can’t ignore when searching for …
For most people, location is the deciding factor when buying a home. You want to live in a…
Is it always a good idea to buy …
If youre in the financial position to pay cash for a house, it probably seems like a tempting…
Why It's Important To Work With A Realtor
When purchasing or selling a property, it is always a good idea to work with a professional, especially…
Things You Shouldn't Do When Buying a Home
With a never ending list of everything you ‘should do’ when purchasing a home, it seems counterproductive to…
Should I Rent or Buy a Home?
Purchasing a home will inevitably be the biggest financial discussion of your life. And the decision as to…